It’s musical season, so it’s about time you booked yourself in for a night of singing and dancing like nobody watching! Wonderfully the iconic 9 to 5 – The Musical is off on a massive US tour for 2023 and it seems to be all we can talk about this spring! Critics are calling it ‘astounding’ and ‘the best tour to date’, while fans have been blowing up the internet and social media about the big night this April. Hosted by the excellent Belk Theatre at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte, well known the finest venue in North Carolina for mammoth musicals like 9 to 5 – The Musical because of its large capacity and well situated location. Click ‘get tickets’ now to buy they will be gone in a flash!
You absolutely cannot watch a musical without singing your heart out, its the unwritten rule! Tuesday 18th April 2023, 9 to 5 – The Musical will CERTAINLY have you singing all the hits out loud as if you were up on the stage yourself. A whole crew of world class actors, writers, directors and everything else! This really is a production to be reckoned with in 2023! Back for a another US wide tour this spring, it's all everybody seems to be talking about these days! Hosted by the glorious Belk Theatre at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center of North Carolina, Charlotte, well knows for its equate interior, but seldom for its many other positive traits – right in the heart of Charlotte, plentiful parking and a massive range of amenities, so it's absolutely perfect for the big night! April is going to be a real outstanding month for you and your family or friends, 9 to 5 – The Musical is kinda' a big deal, and it's going to be a memory maker for sure! Click 'get tickets' now to secure yours today!
North Carolina Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
Belk Theater
Belk Theater
Belk Theater
Belk Theater
Belk Theater
Belk Theater
130 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202, United States